Q Pilates studio shelves

PINC and Steel

Q Pilates offers a unique physiotherapy-based rehabilitation program called Pinc and Steel. We provide a full range of services designed to look after women following or during cancer surgery and cancer treatments. The program was pioneered in New Zealand and Q Pilates is proud to be the home of one of only two Brisbane-based Pinc program certified practitioners. Pinc is provided by a fully-trained and experienced physiotherapist who has a special interest in cancer rehabilitation. Our aim is to provide support, encouragement and advice to help women maximize their recovery. The program is dedicated to helping women diagnosed with cancer regain their physical strength, improve their body confidence and incorporate exercise into their lifestyle by combining manual physiotherapy, clinical Pilates, massage, breathing techniques, advice and education and exercise prescription from diagnosis through to the recovery phase.

1 in 9 women will develop breast cancer before age 85

Breast Cancer is the most common- 27% of all cancer diagnoses in Australia per year

The latest research has found that exercise can help boosts the immune system, limit weight gain from chemotherapy, ease treatment side effects and contribute to an improved quality of life. Exercise can also help reduce the risks of treatment-related side effects such as lymphoedema, osteoporosis, neuropathy, fatigue and weight gain.

PINC is an individualised program that has been specifically designed to facilitate recovery from cancer surgery and private medical insurance will normally refund the cost of postoperative physiotherapy. The program is based around 10 sessions, an hour-long individual assessment in the privacy of our studio and half-hour one-on-one follow-up pilates sessions, with the aim to progress to group classes once the client is ready. There is no limit to the type of cancer/treatment and previous fitness levels. Our goal is to help women feel more a part of the real world, less like cancer patients, and stronger in their heart, body, mind and spirit

Research showed that women diagnosed with breast cancer have their survival doubled if they exercise for an hour a day. Similarly, research showed that with bowel cancer, for those who need chemotherapy, exercise was as powerful as chemo.”

“Exercise therapy is an important component of recovery from cancer and the effects of its treatment. Both the surgery and chemotherapy cause extreme deconditioning and fatigue and exercise helps to correct both these debilitating problems. More importantly, exercise has also been shown to significantly improve longevity in breast cancer survivors.”

Dr Hamish Osborne (Academic Convener for Sport and Exercise Medicine- Otago School of Medicine)



PINC Pilates http://www.pincandsteel.com/

Kim Walters Choices: http://www.uchealth.com.au/choices/

Chicks in Pink http://www.chicksinpink.com/

McGrath Foundation: http://www.mcgrathfoundation.com.au/

Cancer Council: http://www.cancer.org.au/home.htm

Available at the following clinics